Easy Steps Learning Google Display Planner Tool

How to Best Use Google Display Planner Tool

Google Display Planner Tool is a free Google AdWords tool used to plan & target Display Network ad campaigns.


Get Started, How –

  • Customer’s interests detail
  • Landing page detail


Why Use –

  • Helps you with Keywords, Placements, Topics, Interests, Demographics ideas for Display Network
  • Impression estimates and historical performance
  • Easy download of plans to share


What you can Do –

  • Get ideas & estimates based on; Keywords, Categories, Sites, Landing Page, Location & Language
  • Get ad group or site placement ideas


Estimates & Stats –

  • Let you know, how targeting ideas will perform
  • Guide you with budget allocation
  • Whether your audience reach is large or small
  • How you’re spread out towards devices, age groups & gender


Metrics –

  • Impressions / Week – how many times ads shows for a targeting medium
  • Cookies / Week – a count of cookies for a targeting medium (*With cookies you’re not targeting a specific individual, but a small file saved on someone’s device)
  • Historical CPC – a range of CPC that won the auction for a targeting medium


Know Google Keyword Planner tool for Search Network

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