Adwords Approval Types

Adwords Approval Status

During the Adwords approval process, your Adwords campaign keywords
and ads will be given a status. You can see the status of your ad or keyword by
logging into your Adwords account and looking at the “Status” column
of your Ads tab or Keywords tab.

Status What it means
Under review Your ad is still being reviewed.
Eligible Your ad’s still being reviewed, but it can show on certain
Disapproved There’s an issue with your ad and it can’t show right now.
Approved (adult) Your ads approved, but it can only show in certain
countries and sites where adult content is allowed.
Approved (non-family) Your ads approved, but it can only show in certain
countries and sites where this type of content is allowed.
Approved (limited) Your ads approved, but it can only show in certain
countries and devices where this type of content is allowed.

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