Youtube Advertising
YouTube offers many of the traditional content targeting options that you’re already familiar with:
- Keyword targeting
- Contextual targeting
You can use audience targeting such as:
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Language preference
Offer interest-based advertising, which targets users based on their previous web behavior. There are two types of interest-based
- Interest Category Marketing enables the marketer to target a user wherever they are on YouTube, based on the user’s browsing history or video viewing on YouTube. This is a unique targeting capability based on the established deep engagement between video content and video consumer.
- Remarketing allows the marketer to only target ads to users who have visited the marketer’s website.
- YouTube serves ads near those videos identified as claimed copyrighted content, as well as near videos that are part of the YouTube Partnership Program. This is a revenue-sharing program that allows creators and producers of original content to generate revenue on YouTube.
YouTube supports a wide range of ad formats and targeting options.
- YouTube also enables advertisers to leverage their video assets through the following formats:
- In-Stream ads: Video ads that can be up to 30 seconds long, and appear before a user watches a video on YouTube. Similar to display ads, users can click on an In-Stream ad or a click-to-play video ad in order to be taken to an advertiser’s website. Learn more about In-Stream ads.
- Promoted
Videos: Ads that enable owners of video content to promote their videos on YouTube and the Google Display Network through a dynamic, auction-based marketplace. Learn more about Promoted Videos.
- For
advertisers without video assets, we support the following display ads:- MPUs: (Mid-Page Units) 300×250 display ad, which appears to the right of a video.
- InVideo ads: 480×70 display overlay ad, which shows while a video is being played.
YouTube Page Types
Here are a few examples of the YouTube page types where your ads may show:

- YouTube Homepage: For advertisers who are interested in maximum brand exposure and reach, ad placements on the YouTube Homepage, such as the Homepage Masthead Unit, are a perfect fit.
- Search & Browse Pages: Advertisers can target users looking for certain types of content by placing ads on YouTube’s search pages and targeting certain categories of searches (e.g. sports, celebrities, etc).
- Watch Pages: Advertisers can place ads against this content on watch pages and can target users while they’re watching video content, commenting on what they’re watching, and sharing videos with friends.
There are two ways to place ads onto YouTube:
- Running ads on YouTube that are bid on and priced through the AdWords auction.
- Reserving a placement on the site through a YouTube Sales Representative.
While most AdWords ads appear on YouTube Watch pages, there are also additional areas on YouTube where your AdWords ad can
be shown such as Search and Browse Pages.
be shown such as Search and Browse Pages.
To buy placements on YouTube on a reservation basis, use either cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) or cost-per-day (CPD) bidding
YouTube Homepage is purchased on a Cost per Day basis.
YouTube Run-of-Site placements provide massive reach for advertisers who want to connect with users across a variety of interests and targeting criteria.
Minimum media spend on a YouTube media plan (reservations) in the United States is $35,000
YouTube offers a contest gadget for all four phases of a typical contest: submission, viewing, voting, and results. The contest
formatted to run in 300×250 ad units. These gadget ads work across YouTube and Google Display Network.
formatted to run in 300×250 ad units. These gadget ads work across YouTube and Google Display Network.
The YouTube Homepage Masthead is a 960×250 pixel in-page unit that appears across the full width of the YouTube homepage below the navigation bar.
Advanced reporting and metrics are available on all homepage buys through Youtube partnership with DoubleClick Rich Media, the exclusive rich media provider for the YouTube homepage.
YouTube Partner Watch Pages are watch pages with premium partner content vetted by YouTube as brand-safe for advertisers. YouTube only runs ads on the content or videos where we have a direct relationship with the Display Network partner.
Typical Partner Watch placements include:
- In-Video Overlay + Companion Ads (300×250)
- 300×250 Mid-Page Unit
- In-Stream, pre-roll video ads
Typical Run-of-Site placements include:
- 300×250 standard mid-page unit
All mastheads are allowed a 50KB initial file load, followed by an additional 1MB maximum subsequent polite load. The maximum autoplay animation is 30 seconds without sound
Three ad formats that run on Partner Watch Pages
- Display: Static .JPEG or .GIF, and Standard Flash .SWFs:
- inVideo: The 480×70 flash overlay ad appears when a user initiates video play
- inStream: ads also come with a companion 300×60 ad unit
In-Stream ads give advertisers the opportunity to run their video assets (TV commercials) online through pre-roll, mid-roll &
- Upload ads under Display Ad Builder. Choose Rich Media, and select In-Stream ads. You will upload the video & (optional)
banner here. - playback percentiles
An in-video overlay is an ad unit that appears in the bottom 20% of the video player. A companion 300×250 ad is served in tandem with in-video overlays in some cases.
Play rate: Number of times a Click-to-play video ad was played divided by the total number of impressions.
- Impressions booked / Ads impressions: Make sure you delivered all the impressions you were expecting to book.
- On Schedule Indicator (OSI): The percent likelihood the campaign will deliver all impressions booked.
- Clicks: Number of time the ad was clicked.
- Click Through Rate (CTR): number of time the ad was clicked / number of time the ad was shown
Video is a powerful medium to reach users through sight, sound and motion. In order to optimize the performance of your video on YouTube, consider the following best practices:
- Understand that users come to YouTube to learn, watch and be entertained. As such, create videos that feature original content.
- You are the expert on your industry, product or service. Try creating videos that teach and engage the YouTube community on your expertise.
- Keep your message simple and concise. A good benchmark is to try to keep your video to two minutes or less.
- Use YouTube Insight Hot Spots to see which parts of videos keep your users most engaged. Based upon user engagement data, optimize your video content to keep users watching.
- Update your content on a regular basis. The YouTube users who have been successful keep their message fresh with regular updates to their channel.
- Read user comments on your own and similar video and channel pages for ideas.
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